Talks + publications

I'm always looking for exciting speaking opportunities, so if you're looking for speakers, please get in touch. Right now, I'm interested in how UXR can build influence within organizations.
Selected past work
Change is a constant, so while we may understand our users's needs today, what about 3-5 years from now?

I spoke at Big Design about using future-oriented user research to future-proof your product strategy.
Power dynamics can derail user research, particularly in an enterprise context.

At Austin Design Week, I gave a talk with Shannon Iverson and Rebecca Estee about empowering participants, looking at both the inherent value of non-extractive practices and the practical business value.
For adults with cognitive disabilities, living independently can be a challenge.

At CHI, my team and I presented Robin, a voice assistant for adults living with cognitive impairment. Robin supports independent living by providing contextual prompters for important routines.
How do you support a tourism economy without worsening over-tourism?

At CHItaly, my team and I presented Madeira Touch, a tactile display modality for tourism exploration that helps visitors explore sustainably.